Our official photographer friend Sanjay …
Our official photographer friend Sanjay Zalke has taken some brilliant pics for the Dasserah Festival Source
Our official photographer friend Sanjay Zalke has taken some brilliant pics for the Dasserah Festival Source
Badminton tournament as part of the Morley Indians Diwali 2021 ! Source
Badminton tournament as part of the Morley Indians Diwali 2021 ! Source
दीपावल्याः सहस्रदीपाः भवतः जीवनं सुखेन, सन्तोषेण, शान्त्या आरोग्येण च प्रकाशयन्तु। dīpāvalyāḥ sahasradīpāḥ bhavataḥ jīvanaṃ sukhena, santoṣeṇa, śāntyā ārogyeṇa ca prakāśayantu। May the thousands of lamps of Diwali illuminate your life…